Discover your calling.

Schedule an Aptitude Test with a Certified HAB Consultant


Tens of thousands of individuals have transformed their careers with the help of the Highlands Whole Person Method. This four-step process includes the Highlands Ability Battery (HAB), customized reports, and a feedback session with a Highlands Certified Consultant who interprets results and applies them to the Highlands Whole Person Model.


Whole Person Model

By the time an individual completes the HAB, many factors beyond natural abilities have combined to make him or her the person who faces life and its challenges every day. The Highlands Whole Person Method understands and teaches that these other factors form an essential part of the interpretation of the HAB scores.


The following testimonials were collected from clients who had recently completed the HAB and one-on-one feedback session. You’ll notice that none of these testimonials have names/professions attached, which is intentional. Rest assured that I have received permission to publish the comments.

“I have taken a lot of assessments, which are all good for different things. The Highlands is the most comprehensive and speaks to a lot of different areas of leadership and teamwork.”

“I took the Highlands Ability Battery to learn more about myself, to become a more well-rounded individual, to be more productive at work, to be a better wife, to be a better mother, and to be a better friend.”

“The HAB isn’t something you can bluff your way through. It’s measurable and to me the objectivity of it makes it very powerful. The depth that the Highlands provides is extraordinary.”



What are aptitudes?

Aptitudes are your natural abilities and giftedness – in essence, what you have been hardwired to do quickly, easily, and well, almost effortlessly. Aptitudes can be considered raw talents – natural abilities waiting to be harnessed and used.

Will you tell me the specific career I have to pursue? Won’t that limit my choices?

No, no one likes to be told exactly what to do. But most clients find it helpful that I am able to narrow the field of potential career choices to those that are most in line with their natural talents. This equips them to make the most effective decisions now and in the future about what career paths and college majors are the best fit for them based on their unique design, greatly increasing the likelihood they will love their career.

Why is it important to know my aptitudes?

Your aptitudes remain relatively stable throughout life, so they are key factors in determining a direction that gives you the greatest satisfaction and success in your work, life, and education choices. Certain careers and classes will come more easily and be a more natural fit for you depending on your pattern of aptitudes.

What if I have ADD, ADHD, or another type of learning difference – can I still benefit from the assessment process?

I have found that as long as an individual is able to read and use a computer with a mouse, they are able to go through the assessment process and get beneficial results. Please give me a call to discuss your specific learning difference, if there are concerns. I also need to know if you are taking any medications that affect the central nervous system as these might affect response time.

How old do you need to be to have your aptitudes tested?

The aptitude assessment process works best with clients who are at least 15 years old to ensure that their aptitudes can be accurately measured. There is no maximum age.

Do I need to do anything to prepare to take the assessments?

There is nothing you need to study or do to prepare to take the assessments. Unlike normal tests, these assessments are not a matter of passing or failing. There is no way to do “well” or “badly” on these assessments; they simply give us objective information. It is important however that you are well rested and that you complete all the aptitude worksamples at a time and place where you will not be disturbed.

A test designed to unlock your potential.

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High School Students

I'll help you decide what to do after high school, what to choose as a college major, and which career path is best for you. Too many high school students don't know where to begin in making decisions about college majors and careers or even if they should attend college.  My approach allows students to get in touch with their unique abilities, interests, personalities, and values to pick a career plan that best fits their individual needs.


College Students & Recent Graduates

College students often engage in “major shopping” to decide on a college major and career choice.  Many times a process of elimination is used in an attempt to settle on the right major. Also very common are students who graduate and launch their careers only to find that the choices they made aren't the right fit. I provide the career coaching experience to help you not only pick a major that you can stick with but also a career path that matches your unique abilities and skills through our proven career assessment and planning process.


Adults in Transition

Sometimes our careers or jobs cause problems that affect our performance at work and carry over into our personal lives. The need to consider a career change is often manifested in job burnout or job stress. A career change should not be made lightly, impulsively, or without careful consideration of vital factors in choosing your ideal career path. I will help you assess your natural abilities, personal style, interests, values, goals, and background. My career planning and coaching techniques will help you explore these critical areas to lead to a career change or work in retirement that will bring satisfaction and fulfillment.


Corporate Leaders

Through leadership coaching, career development and team building, organizations will see enhanced performance through and through.


Find where your skills & passion meet.